Thursday, July 23, 2015



I have been away for a little while because I was moving into a new place, was travelling and got sick! So much happned while I was away...

Anyways, I am back with a video called "The battle of brush cleaner".

In this video, I'm comparing three different soap/detergent which can be used to clean your makeup brushes, DOVE Beauty Bar, Sunlight Soap and DAISO Brush Cleaner.
They are quite common products you would find in shops (maybe except for DAISO one but you can get ones from other brand).
Let's see which works the best!

So, the winner was pure soap (Sunlight or Velvet)!! Any pure soap sold in laundry detergent area would be fine. I would not use the ones made for your body and face because it can contain moisturizing ingredients and it is not necesary to clean your brushes and it can make the soap clean less efficiently.

I hope you found this fun or informative.

Hope you have a great day!



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Thank you ♡ ٩(๑´3`๑)۶


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